Friday, February 23, 2007

Buy Skybus Tickets

One of the first things you see when you walk out of Terminal Three at Melbourne Airport is a sign that reads ‘Buy Skybus Tickets’. This sign is attached to an electronic kiosk conveniently located next to the Skybus bus stop. The Skybus is the bus that takes you from the airport to the city.

I love the 'Buy Skybus Tickets' sign. I love the creamy-smooth reassuring directness of the ‘Buy Skybus Tickets’ sign. I love the economy of words used by the ‘Buy Skybus Tickets’ sign. I love the thought that I could probably work out what the ‘Buy Skybus Tickets’ sign said even if I had just arrived at Terminal Three of Melbourne Airport from somewhere in the world where I wasn’t used to reading English signs.

The ‘Buy Skybus Tickets’ sign makes me think about buying a ticket. I could go in to the city and have a coffee; take the day off and sit by the river.

When my girlfriend calls me tonight she might ask,

“How was work today?”

And I would say,

“Well, after I dropped you at the airport I was feeling sad so I bought a Skybus ticket and went in to the city.”

She would be impressed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So would I.

So next time you go to pick her up you COULD buy................and travel together.
